Qualification Summary
President, Armstrong Marine Consulting and Surveying, Inc.  ISO 9001 Certified Lead Auditor, and ISPS/ISM Codes Auditor
for the Republic of Liberia.  Company services based on a challenging 20-year career with US Coast Guard in the marine
safety field.  Fully trained Coast Guard inspector, investigator and licensing and manning specialist.  Held successively
senior management and operational positions.  

Sample Work Through Armstrong Marine Consulting
•   Assisting towing vessel operators through initial Coast Guard certification of their vessels using the TSMS/ISM SMS
option and the Coast Guard inspection option.
•   Nautical inspector for the Republic of Liberia conducting flag-state required annual safety inspections covering the ship
and it major systems.
•   Harmonized or individual International Safety Management Code and International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
audits of Liberian flag vessels, including issuing or endorsing the Safety Management Certificate and International
Ship Security Certificate.
•   Safety Training Manual, emergency duties, and training program for non-US flag passenger ship.  Also provided
emergency and safety training to crew and non-marine crew members.  
•   Oil transfer procedures, SOPEPs, Non-tank Vessel Response Plans.
•   Expert in background, interpretation and application of U.S. Coast Guard regulations, policies and procedures.  
•   Investigated grounding, major fires and crew deaths on Liberian flag ships for Republic of Liberia, including drafting
facts, conclusions and recommendations, and working with U.S. Government investigators.
•   Working vessels through the US Coast Guard inspection process, including project management.
•   Wrote
Obtaining a Certificate of Inspection for Your Boat.

Safety Management and Security
ISPS and ISM Code Auditor for the Republic of Liberia.  Internal security and SMS auditor for US companies, including tug &
barge operations.  Drafted and received Coast Guard approval for Vessel Security Plans for a variety of US Flag vessels.  
Drafted and received Coast Guard approval for Facility Security Plans for facilities receiving small passenger vessels and
tank barges.  Conducting internal audits and exercises for a variety of clients.

Vessel Inspection
Currently conducting vessel inspections for the Republic of Liberia.  Shepherding US Flag vessels through Coast Guard
inspections, including structural, machinery and equipment pre-inspections and emergency drills.  
Directed activities of 39 inspectors and 4-person support staff as Chief of Inspection Department at Coast Guard’s Marine
Inspection Office New York.  Responsible for correct application of U.S. and international laws and regulations to commercial
vessels for construction, repair, operation and manning.  Area of responsibility included New York, Europe, Mediterranean
basin, Africa and Middle East.  Subordinates routinely inspected $500M worth of drill rigs, ships, barges and boats of all
types daily.

While assigned to Coast Guard’s Marine Safety Office Guam, became first junior officer inspector to work solo outside U.S.
soil.  Result:  Complete change in Coast Guard’s administration of overseas inspections.

New Construction
Headed on-site inspection team in Germany responsible for federal government's role in new construction of largest capacity
U.S. flag container ships ever built (a $540M project in today’s dollars).  Filled twin responsibilities of project manager and
chief inspector.  Developed money and time-saving alternatives for design and installation problems.  Monitored project
progress; pro actively controlled and directed inspector activities.  Able to deliver certificate of inspection to first vessel
before all plans were approved.

While assigned to MSO Guam, given sole responsibility of first new construction for U.S. flag in Korea, a 585 ft. oil industry
launch barge for jackets up to 30,000 metric tonnes.  Vessel had four types of steel, including 2-inch thick mild steel main

Vessel Repairs
Currently guiding a variety of US flag vessels through Coast Guard inspections, dry dockings and repairs.

Conducted dry dock and other inspections as Coast Guard’s resident inspector in four U.S. shipyards.  Conducted dry dock
and other inspections in seven foreign shipyards in Far East and Africa.

Responsible for grounding damage survey and deciding extent of repairs to a new 265,000-deadweight ton tank ship.  
Inspection and repairs performed in southern Japan.  Total steel replaced:  1,200 tons.

Small Passenger Vessels
Retained to get a 600-passenger, 200 ft passenger vessel back into service.  Brought on board to get the project back on
track.  Met with remaining managers, examined vessel and worked out a project task management assignment and tracking
system, assigned responsibilities, worked with the managers and federal regulators, and within months the vessel was in

Wrote "Obtaining a Certificate of Inspection for Your Boat."  Fully qualified by Coast Guard as small passenger vessel
inspector for vessels under construction and in service.  Currently assisting clients by drawing Coast Guard required plans
showing vessels’ construction and outfitting, and shepherding clients’ boats through Coast Guard inspections, including
simplified stability tests.  

Seaman Licensing, Manning
Currently reviewing manning and seamen documents and licenses for Liberia when examining their vessels, providing
guidance to clients with US flag vessels and expert witness assistance.

Managed Coast Guard's second largest Regional Examination Center, located at New York, NY.  Staff of 15 handled over
1500 license and merchant mariners document transactions a month evaluating, testing and documenting suitability of
merchant mariners from master to wiper.

Casualty Investigation
Investigated major casualties (grounding, fires, crew deaths) on Liberian flag ships for Republic of Liberia, including drafting
facts, conclusions and recommendations, and working with U.S. Coast Guard investigators.

Served as Recorder of a joint U.S. Coast Guard & NTSB investigation of the explosion of the supertanker m/v SURF CITY.  
Investigated, assembled evidence, formally questioned witnesses under oath, drafted report, including conclusions and

Formal Education
 California Maritime Academy; B.S. degree & license Third Mate, Steam or Motor Vessels, Any Gross Tons, Oceans
•   Business and Accounting courses, Northern Virginia Community College
•   Management & Economics courses, City College of New York

Technical Education       
•   ISO 9001:2008 Certified Lead Auditor, AQS/Exemplar Global
•   ISM Code Auditor course with certification, LISCR
•   ISPS Code Auditor course with certification, LISCR
•   ISO 9001 Internal Auditor course, Univ. of South Florida
•   Individual Terrorism Awareness, U.S. Army
•   Radiographic Film Interpretation, U.S. Army
•   Readiness Planning (war), U.S. Coast Guard
•   Principles of Welding, Contra Costa College, San Pablo, CA
•   Introduction to Nondestructive Testing, Contra Costa College
•   Port Security/Law Enforcement School, U.S. Coast Guard
•   Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Boat School, U. S. Coast Guard
•   Pollution Prevention School, U.S. Coast Guard
•   Merchant Marine Inspection School, U.S. Coast Guard
  • Consulting
  • Analysis
  • Surveys
  • Advice
Curriculum Vitae
Armstrong Marine Consulting
Vessel surveys and inspections
US Coast Guard regulations
Sub M, ISM & ISPS Audits