Do You Need Help Dealing with the Coast Guard’s Small Passenger Vessel

You already have a Certificate of Inspection for your boat, but

  • You want to make changes to your Subchapter T or Subchapter K boat, but do not know your options so that you can
    figure your costs or how to get the changes approved.
  • You are having trouble with an inspection - you think the Coast Guard made a mistake, but are not sure how to get them
    to change their mind.

We can sit down with you on your T-Boat or K-Boat boat and work out the optimum solutions to your problems and work with
the Coast Guard on your behalf.  Contact us to schedule an appointment.

You’d like to carry more than six passengers, but

  • You are afraid that you’ll have to make major modifications to your boat.
  • You cannot estimate the costs of obtaining a Guard certificate of inspection.

In short, you need help determining your options under the Coast Guard’s regulations.

For a nominal fee we will spend up to three hours going through your boat with you.  We will identify the probable problems
and discuss possible solutions on the spot.  We’ll send you a detailed written report, too.

We can also work with you to obtain a Certificate of Inspection.  

  • We can offer suggestions on the least costly ways to meet the Coast Guard's requirements;
  • We can draw up your T Boat plans for Coast Guard approval;
  • Help you conduct a simplified stability test for the Coast Guard; and
  • Attend the Coast Guard’s inspections with you.

Ask us for an estimate.

Get our book Obtaining a Certificate of Inspection for Your Boat

It is written for boat owners that are thinking of converting a boat to Subchapter T.  It covers matters important to the Coast
Guard that can cost you money if you don't know about them in advance.  It's been our experience that no matter how good
a job a client has done estimating the cost of obtaining a certificate of inspection for his or her boat, the client's generally
been off by 50%.  This book may help you trim that percentage.

Click on the cover page to review the table of contents.  To order, send a check or money order to
Armstrong Marine
Consulting, Inc. for $23.50 or use the PayPal link to buy the book online.  The price includes shipping & handling.
One of a client's 2 sail boats certificated with our assistance.
  • Consulting
  • Analysis
  • Surveys
  • Advice
Small Passenger Vessels
You are required to
log activities such
as drills and servicing
and maintenance
of fire fighting and  
lifesaving equipment.  
If you  need a
, click here
for an Adobe  .pdf
Armstrong Marine Consulting
Vessel surveys and inspections
US Coast Guard regulations
Sub M, ISM & ISPS Audits